Hill 271 Prospect (EPM 19369 Amaroo South)
There is little rock outcrop in the target area but surface rubble (“float”) displays pervasive sericite alteration over an area of 1000m x 1000m. Float samples of vein quartz contain gossanous iron oxide (after sulphide) and have elevated metal concentrations, with best assays of 16.7 g/t Au & 12.2% Cu. Limited previous shallow drilling intersected only low grade gold.
Aeromagnetic imagery shows that the prospect lies along a northwest-trending structure, i.e. parallel to the one which apparently controls the Belyando gold lodes. In 2013, a single 1.6 km I.P. line detected a chargeability anomaly of +700m width at a depth of + 100m. An RC drill hole, to 211m, intersected only weak copper-gold mineralisation.
Aeromagnetic image showing northwest-trending structures
Big Red Prospect (EPM 17703 Disney)
EPM 17703 lies immediately west and south of known epithermal gold deposits, Twin Hills and Lone Sister. The tenement contains several epithermal gold prospects which have had limited drill testing:
Aeromagnetic imagery shows demagnetised linear features - evidence of hydrothermal activity along controlling structures. Soil geochemical anomalies are located along these structures
At the Big Red prospect, in an area of almost no rock outcrop, samples of surface rubble include hydrothermal breccia assaying up to 1.06 g/t Au. Soil geochemical surveys have shown a gold-in-soil anomaly which extends over 1.5 km strike length; the most intense gold-in-soil anomaly has not been tested by drilling.
EPM 17703 Disney: Gold-in-soil geochemistry, high-lighting the Big Red prospect.
The area of highest gold-in-soil (red dots) has not been tested by drilling