December Quarterly Report
During the quarter, Zamia completed the planned Induced Polarisation (‘IP’) geophysical survey over 16 square kilometres (‘km²’) covering the Anthony project area aiming to test for possible additional copper-gold-molybdenum (‘Cu-Au-Mo’) mineralised zones.
Results from the soil geochemical programs on Zamia’s northern tenements completed in the previous quarter, returned promising results, warranting advanced exploration including IP surveys and drilling.
Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd (‘Gold Fields’) completed a reverse circulation (‘RC’) drilling program over three of Zamia’s tenements prior to terminating, as a corporate decision, the Option and Joint Venture Agreement with Zamia.
For further details go to December Quarterly Report
September Quarterly Report
During the quarter, Zamia continued to explore on epithermal gold targets in Exploration Permit for Minerals (‘EPM’) 17703 Disney, which lies adjacent to the former Twin Hills gold mine.
Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd (‘Gold Fields’) has carried out reverse circulation (‘RC’) drilling on three EPMs.
Zamia commenced an induced polarisation (‘IP’) geophysical survey over the Anthony Molybdenum Project area in EPM 15145 and EPM 14790.
For further details go to September Quarterly Report
June Quarterly Report
In a release to the ASX on 12 June 2013, Zamia Metals Limited (‘Zamia’) provided an update of its exploration activities including the ongoing commitment to gold and base metal exploration in the Clermont region of central Queensland.
Exploration activities by Zamia during the quarter were focussed on epithermal gold targets in Exploration Permit for Minerals (‘EPM’) 17703, which lies adjacent to the former Twin Hills gold mine.
Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd (‘Gold Fields’) continued to assess six tenements covered by the Zamia and Gold Fields Option and Joint Venture Agreement. Gold Fields has selected four of these tenements for more detailed exploration.
For further details go to June Quarterly Report.
March Quarterly Report
Gold Fields continues exploration activities on Option and JV tenements
Ongoing Zamia exploration on four northern EPMs
A target for gold and copper mineralisation in addition to molybdenum within the Dead Horse intrusive complex
For further details go to March Quarterly Report 2013