December Quarterly Report
The initial stage of drilling commenced at the Belyando historic open-cut gold mine, with four reverse circulation (‘RC’) holes being completed during November 2014.
Further geochemical sampling was undertaken in the southern part of EPM 17703 Disney and EPM 18583 Elgin Downs.
EPM 25479 Epping Forest was granted to Zamia on 24 October 2014. The EPM covers 245 km² to the west of the main tenement block (see Figure 1).
For further details go to: December Quarterly Report
September Quarterly Report
During the quarter, an initial drilling program of up to 10 Reverse Circulation (RC) holes over the Belyando gold deposit has been designed following a comprehensive review of the previous drill-hole data. Drilling is planned to commence in mid-November.
Company geologists assessed the prospectivity of Zamia’s EPM 18714 Waroo, near Stanthorpe in southern Queensland. A reconnaissance trip was made in September 2014 to inspect the post production gold and copper mines within the EPM area.
Loan Agreements with Brownstone International Pty Ltd and Qinghai Genlid Mining Investment & Management Co Ltd totalling $600,000 have been entered into, to provide funds for advanced exploration activities.
For further details go to September Quaterly Report
June Quarterly Report
Mining Lease 2312, containing the abandoned Belyando open-cut gold mine, has been cancelled by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines so the Belyando mine is now included within Zamia’s EPM 15145. Previous drilling shows a resource target below the open-cut mine workings.
A drilling program to test the geophysical Induced Polarisation (IP) anomalies delineated within the Anthony Project Area (EPM 15145) has been carried out.
At Hill 271 prospect, EPM 19369 Amaroo South, one drill hole to test the IP geophysical anomaly was completed.
Zamia has expanded its tenement portfolio with the grant of EPM 18655 Dingo Range on
29 May 2014.
For further details go to June Quarterly Report
March Quarterly Report
Successful capital raising – Zamia announced on 19th March 2014 a 2-for-3 renounceable rights issue at $0.006 per Offer Share to Eligible Shareholders. Proceeds from the Issue will be used to fund key exploration activities and the Company’s working capital requirements. The Issue closed on 11th April 2014 with the subscription amount of $1,157,657.
Zamia has evaluated the results of the Induced Polarisation (‘IP’) survey carried out last quarter, and has designed a drill program to test the geophysical IP anomalies delineated within the Anthony Project Area (EPM 15145). The program, to commence at the end of April 2014, targets potentially new mineralised zones for gold and/or copper and additional high grade molybdenum, surrounding the known Anthony molybdenum deposit.
Results from the single IP line over Hill 271 prospect, in EPM 19369 (Amaroo South), are highly encouraging. One initial drill hole is planned to test the IP chargeability anomaly in May 2014.
Zamia has expanded its tenement portfolio with a new EPM application to the west of Anthony, EPM 25479 Epping Forest, covering an area of 240 square kilometres (km²).
For further details go to March Quarterly Report