December Quarterly Report
· During the quarter, Zamia completed a diamond drilling program testing deeper extensions of existing Reverse Circulation (RC) holes (to 550m) at the Anthony molybdenum project. The new drilling results will be incorporated into a revised resource estimate planned to be released in February 2012.
· The Company is increasing its exploration focus on gold and copper targets with significant potential for large porphyry-type deposits within its tenements.
· Zamia holds an attractive tenement package and has been approached during the quarter by a number of major resource companies seeking joint ventures and strategic alliances.
September Quarterly Report
· The Company is considering options for funding ongoing work at the Anthony molybdenum (‘Mo’) project, including seeking a strategic investor or JV partner to provide funding to completion of a Definitive Feasibility Study.
· Diamond drilling continued at Anthony, with holes designed to test the continuation of Mo mineralisation to depths up to 500m.
· The Company has an increased focus on gold and copper targets within its exploration tenement holding.
For further details go to September 2011 Quarterly Report
March Quarterly Report
· On 25 February, Zamia announced an increase in the Inferred Resource of the Anthony molybdenum (Mo) deposit in primary (sulphide) Mo mineralisation to 173 million tonnes (Mt) at 430 parts per million (ppm) Mo, including 20 Mt at 810 ppm Mo.
· Reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling continued to intersect good molybdenum (Mo) grades both at depth and laterally.
· The Company raised $2.949 million via share placements in early April 2011. The funds will be used for working capital purposes, including advancing the Company’s exploration projects.
For further details go to 2011 March Quarterly Report
June Quarterly Report
· On 20 June, independent resource consultants, Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd (H&S) provided an updated Inferred Resource estimate for the Anthony molybdenum (Mo) deposit.
· A programme of reverse circulation (RC) percussion drilling, that commenced in November 2010, was completed in May 2011 with a total of 30 holes drilled. Available assay results were incorporated into the June resource estimation.
· A new diamond drilling programme commenced in June. This comprises diamond tails on existing RC holes designed to test the continuation of Mo mineralisation to depths up to 500m.
· A successful capital raising was completed in April 2011 with 28,086,000 fully paid ordinary shares placed at 10.5 cents.